Thursday, August 25, 2011

A lovely visit

This lady here has inspired me so much.
She has helped me decided on my future career and shaped me into a better person.
If you knew me in high school, you'd probably know that if it weren't for her and Best Buddies, I would have failed.
I am forever thankful for all the love and support she has always sent my way and so grateful that I get to share my creation of life with her.
I'm SO blessed to know you.


  1. Awww, what an adorable boy you have! Its great to have a mentor in your life, you are truly blessed. :) Congratulations on the spotlight blog spot at For the love of Blogs today, what a great way to start off the weekend. Hope you have a lovely one! I am a new follower now and looking forward to reading more in the future.

  2. CUTEST PICTURE I HAVE EVER SEEN! Look at Pooh Bear all smiling at the lovely Ms.G haha He already knows how beautiful she is :D This is too sweet.Love you Sis! <3
