Sunday, December 18, 2011

Our week.

Our week has been filled with lots of yummy food, family visits, dancing, glitter projects and a cuddly baby :) Tomorrow morning we are off for Vegas to celebrate my 21st birthday. Wooo! I can't wait to share all the fun things we do. Have an amazing week ladies!


  1. YAAYYYY! Happy 21st Birthday!!! This is such a milestone, and I'm glad you are celebrating it properly. In Vegas. Haha I can't wait to see pictures! Take care!

  2. oh man your so lucky that you get to go to vagas for you 21st bday.
    have fun girl.

  3. Happy 21st birthday Mila! I hope you enjoy Vegas to the fullest and that you grace us with great pictures when you return :-)

    BTW I want Just Dance 3! It looks fun lol.
