Saturday, December 10, 2011

Did I really just make it through this week?

This has honestly been one of the hardest weeks ever! Jesse had finals all week so he was locked away in our bedroom with an angry brow from all the intense studying. Bryce and I tried to stay out of his hair. We got out of the house a little more this week going on visits to see Meema, going on walks and attending our never ending appointments. FINALLY when Jess was relieved from all of his furious studying, I realized that it was Thursday! Which meant I had to be at my surgery by 4:15pm and prepare to take two finals tomorrow. Not to mention I had a late portfolio to do...

So I put on my Super Mom cape.  


Even with my cape, I was still freaked out about the surgery but I knew it had to be done. Let me tell you, it was even more terrible than I had imagined. But I made it through and now my ear looks normal again. Hooray for that! I stopped by In-N-Out to get some yums for my starving hubby then I rushed home. I had to pop two Tylenol immediately, the pain was so crazy. Once it simmered down, Bry and I played until it was time for him to go night night. I studied like crazy and completed all of my assignments, woke up extra early for school and aced both finals.  So I'm feeling pretty accomplished right now.

Bragging over...

Happy Saturday party people!

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